Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
shes not in the kitchen
You all fail. Green wrist band on her right arm. Used by hospitals to ID COMA Patients.
- original pic
w wann uck her raise your hand if you would do the same
rate me up if you think she is dead
She has a pad on. (: Only girls can notice this.
i dont give a shit what the law says id rape her dead body all night
So she's in a coma, got a rosary, married, and is wearing a pad. Yeah, I'm sure you alllllll wanna fuck her...
Dead or not, I'd still fuck her. Necrophilia ftw.
I wanna fuck her. No matter what !! :D .. Her boobs are so uuh !! Uuhh !! Oh !! Wanna have sex right now .. Ohh .. Uhh ..
just wanna fuck her
i could stick my penis into the screen right now
ninja head in top right corner
Nonoe sees the image of Mary in the sheets, upper right corner?
id tap tht
- guys, look at the real picture, in this link!! she's FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's a Christian.
she is so sexy, just wanna fuck her, dead or not
she has a rosery around her neck
People!! She's a half naked, what some people consider "Sexy", wearing a freaking ROSARY!! It's the Irony that makes this picture!
she's got 10 fingers and a bellybutton, in other words: she's perfect!!! I'd so tap that!! :P
She's dead..
I really can't believe you scrolled all the way down here to read this shit while there's a HAWT girl for you to ogle your eyes out at up there!!
Tard... -
theres a sitting buddha at the top right picture
Isn't she dead..... ? :(
she has a reggea jam wristband
the real image has been badly photoshoped so the real image is acctually this 1
beatrice!! i will save youuu!!
sicko's she look 14, this is kiddie porn freaks
I've read that the green colored wristband means that she has late allergy... this means that you can't use a condom when fucking her. She is also wearing a rosary whch probably means she s anti-abortion. She is wearing a pad which means that next time you fuck her she will have a fresh egg ready. She also has a weading ring which means that her husband will kick your ass for knocking up his wife.
Jesus Christ guys!!! she has a PAD!!! OMG!! i guess only girls can notice this-.-
look at her eyes, thats dilation of the pupil. she is dead ... rest in piece
woman's neck with a pendant without a chain
She has a smokey hole in throat
Not that I think this is a real dead girl or anything, but the argument that it's "impossible for this to be real because you can't move a girl in rigor mortis" is really lame. It takes hours for rigor mortis to set in, because your blood doesn't just freeze when you die--it takes a while for it to cool and your muscles to harden from lack of circulation.
ses married
its a doll
she has a smoke hole on her neck!!!
Damm I would fuck that pussy everyday and squeeze her nipples and suck them until all the milk is dried out
She has a tracheostomy
THE green bracelet on her wrist is something they give coma patients.
she fucking totally has a zit on her neck!.......keep on fapping boys
theres half of a cats face facing the girls neck mad by her hair
duh she is wearing a roserie and she is posing in her underwear...
guys theres a tampon by her pillow
Pad next to her pillow & wearing one. Piercing on her throut, married, looks dead..
Cars and houses are not cheap and not everyone can buy it. However, credit loans was invented to aid different people in such hard situations.
Shes dead... all you guys and 9 year old are necrophiliacs... you can tell by the body tag on her wrist.
sexy, i would like to see her naked, rate me up if you agree
i wouls say she has two pair of pantys
she has a little strange ball on her neck
noone else sees jesus in the sheet to the right?
if this bitch was in a coma dont you think she'd have tubes hooked up to her and shit like that? This bitch just aint in the kitchen
dudes they say the gal is dead, really! go to ds address:
Necrophiles! I read about this girl. She DIED drinking anti-freeze!
you guys are all dumb asses! (no offense) theres 2 photoshopped cartoon people on the bottom left
Twinkies! In the bottom left corner.
i disagree it's a Reading festival wristband, fuck leeds!
Protège-slip spotted.
wow, go to google type in perfection dead girl and its the first one. shes DEAD
awwwww. so sad
In the top right in the white it looks like a figure kneeling
You all fail. Green wrist band on her right arm. Used by hospitals to ID COMA Patients. Or, more obviously, its a festival wristband.
what the heck is /b/ meme??
theres a tampon left to her pillow
Too soon.
It is tragic that such a pretty girl died so young. Anyone who is posting negative comments about her is going to h* ll
i luv her lingerie, where can i get those?
she has panties on
thats really weird. Like, she doesn't look dead but who would make up a sick story like that? Attention seekers, thats what. Nowadays it is sometimes considered beuatiful to pose like that so maybe she was just trying to look good. She does look good. BTW when was the pics supposedly taken?
She's not dead. She's got two neclaces, dwo pairs of panties on (look at the full size image thoroughly) Green thing on her wrist is some kind of a cotton wristband with a note on it with some stylish font of white & black lettering and for the love of God, she's got red eye effect in the photos. Dead people don't have red eye in the photos. As for the tittie photo of her, THAT's the photoshopped one. The one with lingerie is original. What are you, all virgins? Never seen two-piece panties, one see through and the other one (usually thong) not? Her boyfriend/best friend is a proud author of a decent mindf**k.
she has a green hospital tag. green is for latex allergy. she's allergic to rubber.... you CAN'T USE A CONDOM WITH HER.
havnt u chicks ever worn a thong under ur panties if not youve probably never stripped for ur man. PRUDES!
haha, its a girl! :D:D
look at her eyes, thats dilation of the pupil. she is dead ... rest in piece
she unfortunately have a boyfriend
She is not dead , The body color is Normal and ALIVE ! The face isn't White at all It's NORMAL + Look at her Eyes , Impossible "She's Not dead" Idiot's ,
she's actually dead. she was on Encyclopedia Dramatica a LONG time ago. this is a dead chick.
She's a whore? DUH!
wish i was there!!
whoa, too soon
she's wearing a ring and rosary. lolz
if u look abover her neck there is a face
no dumbasses she has a pad in her underwear
It looks as if Szayel Aporro Granz had some fun this time...I didn't know he was straight! XD
I see Shadow Lurker on the crotch of her panties. Don't judge me!
She's dead.
She has a penis
you know what fuck you all, i actually know this girl, its sad that all you can do is think about fucking her, you got internet, go look up some porn if your all that fucking desperate, yah you talk a big game when no one can see your name or face while typing. maybe if you would take your head out of your ass and your hand off your dicks for two seconds then just maybe you could all meet someone, or just gather around and form a circle jerk because thats all your ever gonna get you lowlife, inbred, scum
if you look closely, you will see a woman
there is no one plowing her! TO THE FUCK POLE!
Wow, youre all blind. Look at her panties, shes on the rags XD
she is dead
You're all idiots.
That bracelet signifies that she's dead. -
Does nobody see the coroner's tag?
Hey, what are the white stains on my computer screen?
Theres fucking half of a cats face on the left side of her neck with its face facing towards her neck made by her hair
No idiot, the bra and panties are photoshopped on, the hint is that the flash was on and there's no light being shined on the the underwear but yet the rest of her body is luminated
the true story behind this pic is that she is dead, she was drugged at a party with anti freeze and the guy took the pics anyway... fucked up
she is actually naked but its photoshoped with cloth on D:!! wtf ._. !!!
i see menstruation
Uhm HELLO? She is WEARING TWO crosses! dur that's the IMperfection about this
bitch got a penis
I’m your dream, mind astray I’m your eyes while you’re away I’m your pain while you repay You know it’s sad but true
Hot girl......with a ROSARY!....damn >.>
She's definetly not dead! She's from Czech Republic, and she's fine... Check her profile here:
fuck shes a hotty id fuck her hard
His husband is fucking her while she's on coma .
Shes in coma, u can see on green band on her arm
she's dead but still using tampons?:S left corner
Or she's a sex doll, jesus
i think she's wearing two bra.. i see two straps
she's not dead. her arm and head are set too perfectly. when you die, your muscles don't allow your body to stay in the same position. and you can tell by the muscles and bones in her throat. she looks like she's holding her breath.
The sad story is... you all see a girl... guess what "she" is hiding under her panties!
this girl is dead, look up the story:
yup the girl's got a pad on, no fucking for you tonight boys.
All you fags who keep saying you want to have sex with her ( and every other girl that appears on the site) need to get a life
Ewww, she has a pimple the size of a coin on her neck! But still fuckable.
it's shopped, in the real pic she's naked
cross dressing flaming homosexual?
It looks like she has a period pad on!!! HaHa oh the menstral cycle!
what is that red thing in the MIDDLE of her throat?
Shes not dead people, i go to college with her, the mind fuck to me was the fact that shes on this website.
shes dead, dont you see she isnt moving!!!!
She's wearing two bra's...
stop with the stupid kitchen jokes. it not funny. retard. sexzist. go away u dick. plz.
this girl is dead show some respect
You know she has a hospital tag right on her hand right?
lol. if you see closely shes marryed
She's got herpes look at her mouth
Her right arm is FREAKISHLY long! o_O
For those who say ''just wanna fuck her'' and stuff like that, SHE'S DEAD YOU BUNCH OF NECROPHILIACS
Hole in her neck and the tampon on the bed next to the nightstand
Shes a guy
Shes wearing a wedding ring
Check out the wedding ring on the right hand! She's divorced!!!
Is it one of these new sex dolls? or is she a coma or why is there a pink tube which is connected whit her left arm and this green band on her right one but when she is a patient why she wears only a little to big bra and a slip
She is fukkin dead
the green wrist band is from ROCK IM PARK i have the same and that was in 2005 that girl is not dead read her myspace side -.-
I Know! She Has Her Bra on!
you know thats actually probably true... only girls will notice her pad :P
She ha a thing in her left hand needle?
She is actually dead. your jerking off on a dead girl.
pad. ahahahah. bad time of the month to be taking dirty pics!
Coroners tags are put on toes
This girl was actually in an article I read about years ago...she is dead in this picture, the killer took this picture shortly after...sad....but she is still hot as hell.
THERE is a DUDE on HIS KNEES on the SHEET above left FOREARM! has nothing to do with sex, death, jewelry.
SHE'S WITH A ROSAAARY!!! AND SEXY? MAYBE. BUT, sex + rosary = ....
Coroners tags are put on toes
TAMPON TAMPON TAMPON! by the left arm, idiots :P
She is using a MAXIE PAD
its a rubber doll you idiots
Guys this girl has been dead for a long time,this picture was taken when they found her body...obviously still fuckable
Virgin Mary, top right.
no dumb asses she has a pad in her underwear
she looks like victoria justice
Hmm...she has a pad on?
She's wearing a promise ring...
Am I the only one that sees the person in the bed cover thingy?
Pleas Dont have a dick!
she is actually dead... look at the coroner tag on her right(your left) wrist...
Half of her pussy is already exposed.
nice rosery..i'm not religious so its all good with me :D
i went to the comfort room to wash up! :D
she's wearing a wedding ring...
what is that red dot on her neck???
She has a festival wristband on. And 2 pairs of pants not a pad.
the black man in the window
stupid fuks shes not dead goggle it and click the first one and u will see in three diff pics her legs are dif postions duh shes a model SHES NOT DEAd
i dnt know what a rosery is and i dont care if shes a woman and shes hot id tap it vote thumbs up if you agree.
guys its the black guy in the the dark crevice either that or the twinkie wrappers bottem left (if you cant see it stand up and look down at the picture)
a tampax in the bed xD
Upper right. Bed sheet looks like somebody kneeling and lokking at her.
she got an underwear under her pink underwear
how about the irony of an almost naked chick wearing a rosary?
shes DAAM.. + rate me up if you agreeee' (; and no i did not say rape me up.
her eyes are different colors?
her left D:!
er to all you out there saying you wanna fuck her well ; She's dead, i shit you not, she is genuinally dead
She could be dead... But I would bang vagina's with her.
she's dead fgts. this is perfection girl. meme on 4chan.
Wedding rings are supposed to be on left hand, not the right so it's defiantly not that.
Between the pink an white cover is a sanitary towel, next to her right arm xD
RattleSnake coiled in her hair she's eithier laying still and she can't move or it will bite or it already bit her and she's in shock or jus crazy playin with snakes.I think she dieing and can't move her hand looks swollen indicate possable bite but it curled in her hair and she can't move.
well i see that on a creepypasta: she dead
2 pairs of knickers and 2 bras on
You're jerking off to a dead body.
The bra and panties are shooped.
MAJOR BONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shes a sexy catholic virginnn.. shes just horny..
she just had sex lol
There is a tampon next to her she has on a pad and a hole in her throat
k fuck its one of those mourgue braclets dead people wear.. its a clud braclet you need them to go into some clubs and shit god but of course you fuckers are to busy on the comp to know that
she not dead need proof here:
she has clothes on
congratz you are now a pedo
She's dead. I remember reading an article about her.
shes not married... DIBS! i call her! suckkerrrss
tampon by her right arm between the pink and the white
baby hands...but only the left one...
Is that a hole in her throat?
you've been jacking off to a DEAD GIRL!!!!!
She is NOT dead. The green "tag" is actually from a concert here in England. She is definately NOT dead. Her cheeks would not look flushed and she would be very pale in the face and top of the body (after death, the blood settles to the bottom of the body due to gravity taking over).
Have no enough cash to buy a building? You not have to worry, just because it is available to take the home loans to solve all the problems. So get a college loan to buy everything you want.
gullable people..........your really think shes dead? and 9/11 and Pearl Harbor were masterminded by the Government huh?
^ fagzors? ^
porn is awsome rate me up if you agree
Green band on arm.. Used on hostpitals to ID people whos in coma..true
I bet most of the people who wrote a rape comment never had sex in their life.
Can you not see it? She has a huge fucking zit on her neck.
britney spears...
pak u
If she was dead y would she have a pad on and no clothes and eyes open and who would put it online dipshits
She just got done taking it up the ass. Rate meh up!
hahaha the underwear isnt real?
She's wearing something under her bra, you can see the extra straps, and she has a 'pad' in her knickers.
Proof it's fake
Yea that's her right hand with the ring on
no her left tit is flat. you see how full the right one is!
I guess i havent seen perfection because i havent shit bricks
she's married!! she has a wedding band on her finger!!
When you see it, you'll fuc|< it
There's a ROSARY bead on her neck...
Wearing a CROSS!!! and posing half naked dudes
she married shes wearing a ring -
Why is she for 99% naked, when she is in coma... Must be her dad.
she has a pad on.
sure it'sphotoshoped.
on the other hand, she has a silvering she wont have sex till after she's married. -
Too soon, too soon.
She's in a coma with the green wristband but you can faintly see her pad through her panties. There.
I'm sad now.
theres a dildo next to her arm duhhh
STUPID she's married...
She is wearing a Jesus necklace but she is no virgen
I don't understand this...T_T
sad history...but, man...look at the little dark part of the's just me or there's a monster face? (you can see on of its eyes, noose hole and its wide-opened mouth) o.o
reminds me of Kill Bill. you know, violating coma patients...
I think its her left hand cuz it looks like a child hand cuz its smaller than the other and its creepy
She's not dead. you cocks. Go google. seriously. its perfection because it was photoshopped INTO Perfection. the real image is that she's naked.
im fucking tired of all you pervy people saying stuff. THE GIRL IS DEAD. SEARCH IT DUM ASS.
hey, you guys don't understand that that green wristband signifies that she is currently in a coma, and she has some really fucked up friends. lol
So not dead. Nothing about her online except on the Encyclopedia Dramatica... and that's "too soon". If she's in a guys college party, why's there flowers and pink on his bed? I'm assuming he wasn't into that if he took these. I'm also pretty sure there would have been a bigger fuss about it... And these pictures surely wouldn't be allowed to stay online. Antifreeze doesn't kill that way anyway. My gosh, people will believe anything.
well who ever photoshopped on the clothes did a good job... origional photo--->
She has a tampon laying on the side of her left arm idiots
She has a fucking pad on guys. Come on... >.> Only girls can notice these things.
well if shes really dead then technically it wouldnt be perfection..well not for most.
it's a leeds fest wrist band not coma or morgue or anything else
She is really sexualy atractive (Noticing that you guys sure are lovin it ;) ) and she has a roseary. Shes catholic meaning she cant fuck intill shes married. So you gatta marry her or rape her. And you cant marry her cuz shes also dead :/
Its nopt 2 pairs of undies, shes got a pad on. lol
Top of picture, in the hole. There is a scary face that is almost invisible
So really more of a "fuck you" than a MindFuck?
Nop, she is NOT dead..
How do I know? Her eyes are still shiny. They would dry out in a couple of minutes.
AND, if you se the picture only bigger, you will notice that her pupils are red from the blitz. That means Ladyes and gentlemen, that her blood is still in sirculation.
I think that she can't be dead. So, why the fuck her left leg is up? Damn she is freaking sexy :O
Dude, My Pictures Up Here?!! Well, Call/Text, Anytime; 443 531 6075 ;DDD ! PornOffered! banshees man.
she's married
- real pic
she's dead..
"You all fail. Green wrist band on her right arm. Used by hospitals to ID COMA Patients." Who fails more, the ones who dont see the band or the ones who need a band to see someone is in coma?
like this comment if you would fuck this girl
- ..if you're gonna fap, do it to this. I would fuck this chick.
i dont know about this girl, but i wear only one layer of underwear
Well done u all fapped to a dead chick!!!
guys... shes wearing 2 bra's if u didnt notice
she aint married, the ring is on the wrong finger
There is a condom in the lower left
u guys r pervs
Hey guys. I just wanna tell yall ITS HER FUCKING TIME AT MONTH! you might not wanna fuck her now huh,, otherwiser your just discusting..
there are real pink flowers
she's dead :S
Come on guys cant you see she has the herps?
A green wristband means latex allergy dumb dumb!!
She wasn't a she when she was born.
She's in a coma
hm... lemme see i this is right green medical band for a coma/ RD (recently deceased) and ppl are saying they tap that ...eewwwww it would get wet i'd be like a sand paper cylinder when your "stuffing her muffin"
Between her right arm and her stomach is the bulge of someoned head.
Well some one obviously took the pic of a dead girl
if you take away the P and the F you get Erection :D!
There is a man kneeling in the top right hand corner...
Theirs a goblin on the left bottom corner
- for full story + scroll down for more photos and a nude one.Thank me later...
She is actually dead.
Look at her right hand! She's married
top right of the image.. look in the sheets.. you can see an image of the virgin mary
she is dead
shes an effing real doll assholes...
This isnt real because if you drink antifreeze you shit and puke blood for a while before you then die.... iv seen a few dogs die of it so yea fake.
I see a tampon
her hand is backwards
its a plastic barbie toy.
i dont c anythinh rong wit this 1
too soon bro.
Left hand, no fingertips, no nails, are you all blind?
omg this men got boobs 0.o
She's NOT dead and she's NOT in coma! The green bracelet is just a bracelet you get on open air festivals, because it's fixed with a rivet and there is something written on it! There are some more pictures from other perspectives of her, and on every picture she tries to look the same, but for example her legs are not the same position, her rosery lies on the other side of her belly and her eyes look to another point in the room. Sorry, but it's totally fake. Furthermore she's hot like hell ;D
It´s the fold in the blankets above her left arm. It looks like a kneeling man or a Jesus figure.
she is in a casket
umm if she died in a dudes bed then why are their pink blankets?
she is lovely
I just see a nice chick,ready for fuck.....& yeah shez wearing the ring in the wrong hand...but ill fuck her anyway..
whoever said shes got a pad on is talking shit. the underwear is photoshopped on this girl is dead. its a really old /b/ meme. only people with SENSE know that.
theres a "holy mary" figure in the blanket...
she has scissors in her undies :)
i want 2 fuck her 2 ^^
i think she's dead...
there is a tampon on the left side of her....
There is a Boa Constrictor (or Python or corn) snake in her hair on the right. You can see the body in her hair and the head on her shoulder like it's going to slither down her arm. It's hard to see because the body of the snake blends into her hair but it's there. I had to use a magnifying glass to see it. Perfect girl, 2 crosses, strangled by a snake tells me this is a Christianity mindfuck... pretty good one too, took me a long time to spot it.
Meh, she's in a coma. She wont mind.
she is in a coma, hospital code, green wristband
hey baby how bout you and me go-HOLY F*CKIN SH*T SHES DEAD!!!!!!!..................*fap fap fap fap*
Or is it the Purity ring?
im already mindfucking her!
She's dead! look at her right arm! User message: ( i'm brazilian)
I really don't see it.
maybe ears.. ?!
Im actually pretty sure shes dead.
Theres A Thinng Shoved Into Her Neck, Idiots, Shes DEAD.
she has a WHOLE IN HER NECK!
ohh no she s married!!!!!!!!!!!
u guys r stupid......look at her panty theres a face
Wow you guys are retarded. She's dead.
its britney spears run away before she cuts all of our hair
Thats not a hole in her neck thats another necklace,WATCH CLOSELY
The kitchen apperentally is her bed...
she is pritty
Sanitary Pad
lol its not the original its a photoshop!
Why would you dress her in lingerie and take photos of her if she's in a coma? :L
Yeah does no one else see the smiling dude with his hands on his knees in the white blanket in the top right hand corner???
oh gosh who think she will stink even if she died?
Fwap Fwap Fwap Id fuck Her Constantly, Shes dead, damn i can do what ever i want, THUMBS UP ME!!
shes not satisfied
Shes Dead look on her wrist a hospital band that sucks i would tap that but shes dead and that would be really wierd if i did tap it : (
are you ALL so stupid??? she sin´t dead... can´t you see the face in her panty
u guys shes dead i read about this picture
shes not in the kitchen